Every sector of modern life whether it is business, culture, or entertainment, at work and at home – depends on information and communication technologies.
Today, there are billions of mobile phone subscribers, nearly five billion people with access to television, and tens of millions of new Internet users every year. The satellite service is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world for getting directions from a satellite through the navigation system, watching television from isolated areas, in checking the weather forecast or every day for compressing videos on mobile phones, music players and cameras.
telecom analytics for fraud management and consumer protection -The oldest agency of the United Nations – The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) was established on 17May 1865 as the International Telegraph Union headquartered, in Geneva, Switzerland. This organization is responsible for many matters related to information and communication technologies. The ITU’s global membership includes 193 countries and around 900 business, international and regional organizations, and academic institutions.
The ITU was initially known as the International Telegraph Union which aimed at connecting telegraphic networks between countries. With the advent of new communications technologies, its mandate consistently broadened. To reflect its expanded responsibilities over radio and the telephone, it adopted its current name International Telecommunication Union in 1934. The ITU entered into an agreement on15 November 1947 with United Nations which was newly created to become a specialized agency within the UN system, which formally came into force on 1 January 1949. Through ITU governments and the private sector coordinate global telecommunications networks and services.
To promote international connectivity in communications networks ITU allocates global radio spectrum, and satellite orbits, and assists in developing and coordinating worldwide technical standards so that networks and technologies are seamlessly interconnected. It also works on improving telecommunication infrastructure so that Information Communication Technology (ICT) reaches underserved communities worldwide. in the developing world. We get benefitted from the work of ITU even if we do a phone call using mobile, access the Internet, or send an email. It is also active in the areas of broadband Internet, wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, satellite-based meteorology, TV broadcasting, amateur radio, and next-generation networks.
What is the role of ITU?
The role of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is Coordinating/International cooperation. The majority of Internet connections are carried through ITU standards and form telecom analytics for fraud management and consumer protection
The management of spectrum and orbit, GPS navigation, and online maps, which enable communications even in the remotest parts of the planet, maritime and aeronautical communications, televisions and mobile phones connectivity, weather information etc… all are coordinated by ITU.
ITU standards, protocols, and international agreements are the essential elements for global telecommunications to make phone calls possible to someone in any country.
To support future upcoming networks and services, ITU works with the industry. People around the globe get empowered through technical education and training. The ITU is the body through which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecommunications networks and services. TV broadcasting, amateur radio, and next-generation networks follow the technical standards and policy framework to avoid forging.
What are the 3 ITU sectors?
The ITU is organized into three sectors, which were created during the restructuring of ITU in1992. Each sector manages a different aspect of the matters handled by the Union, as well as ITU Telecom.
1)Radiocommunication, known as ITU-R
2)Telecommunication Standardisation is known as ITU-T, and
3)Telecommunication Development known as ITU-D.
1) Radio communication (ITU-R) – Established in 1927 as the International Radio Consultative Committee or CCIR, coordinates this vast and growing range of radiocommunication services and international management of the radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit resources. In1992, the CCIR became the ITU-R.
2) Telecommunication Standardization (ITU-T) – ITU -T established in 1956, as the International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee or CCITT. Since the inception of ITU, global telecommunication standardization was its original purpose except for radio. The CCITT became the ITU-T in 1993. The Standardization work is undertaken by Study Groups, such as Study Group 13 on Networks and Study Group 16 on Multimedia, and Study Group 17 on Security. World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly is the parent body of the Study Groups. New work areas In Focus Groups new work areas can be developed like the ITU-WHO Focus Group on Artifical Intelligence for Health and Focus Group on Machine Learning for 5G. Major events for the world’s ICT community are also organized by the ITU Telecom
3) Telecommunication Development ( ITU-D) – Established in 1992, this Sector provides the Secretariat for the Broadband Comission for Sustainable Development. It helps in spreading equitable, sustainable, and affordable access to information and communication technologies (ICT).
What type of organization is ITU?
As the timeline of ITU – committed to connecting the world signifies that through their work they protect and support everyone’s right to communicate, wherever they live and whatever their means are. Every time we use mobile phone, smartphone or tablet computer to log on to the web, send an e-mail or SMS, listen to the radio, watch television, order something online, travel by plane or ship, the global international telecommunications network is used. This is the largest and most sophisticated engineering feat.
With an understanding of future trends in all sectors like technical, social and economic, infrastructure has to be supported by effective regulatory strategies and policies. ITU helps the partners to discuss these issues, share insights and best practice, and lay the groundwork for long-term industry growth. Regular reports are published by ITU highlighting important developments. This organization has its own ITU Academy programmes for training technicians, regulators, administrators and local communities in best possible ways to use the power of ICTs.
‘Therefore, it can be said that Connecting the unconnected’ is not just a question of putting infrastructure in place.
Despite increased web use amid pandemic, the aim of getting the whole world connected remains elusive is proved by a published line,’ Internet surge slows, leaving 2.7 billion people offline in 2022. ITU is considered by many to be the global gathering place for the ICT sector as it regularly hosts global and regional events and workshops that are open to non-members. ‘ITU TRELECOM WORLD’ is a famous event organised by ITU to exchange ideas and knowledge among the most influential representatives of government and industry.
ITU strives to make the world a better and safer place by connecting the world and fulfilling everyone’s fundamental right to communicate.